Irs Law Fraud Dept

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Timothy –

Victim Location 60302

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Was called and a male identified himself, IRS Officer, Robert Smith, ID #HS7913 from IRS Fraud Dept., Washington,DC and that this call would be recorded (I put this call on speaker so that my son, who just happened to stop by could hear the conversation and wanted to hear the progression of the call; so we played their game)

I was told that my case #DC1921-6812 was in arrears, including late fees forvtaxes from 2006-2011 in the amount of $6,284. He said that he’s not claiming that I voluntarily did not pay; it may have just been a clerical error; was asked, “did I prepare my taxes or an accountant”? He stated , “do not hang up because if I did not agree to pay the amount, I would be arrested in 45 min; then he transferred me to a David Rogers, ID #96249550 who also said not to hang up or I would be arrested in 45 min and asked how do I wish pay to resolve this debt; my son then took the phone and told him to send this info by letter which is the IRS procedure; he then hung up. My son called the above number immediately and got a busy; we waited s minute later and called again, the response that this number has been disconnected. Thank God my son was here.



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