Indianna Bradley Jones

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Christy –

Victim Location 92082

Total money lost $12,500

Type of a scam Employment

I own a cage-free boarding, day camp, training & grooming facility in Valley Center CA. In February 2017, I hired a new dog trainer who came to my business looking for a place to be a part of a team with. His background was amazing, he was extremely convincing and had pictures to back up his work experience. He was awesome with the dogs at my facility, and he worked with a couple of existing customers on behavior issues. Our agreement was based on a commission split, and my company provided advertising, marketing, accounting, and training leads generated through my website, and all other forms of advertising including social media. He was to follow up on the leads I gave him, and if the customer wanted to do training with him, he was to have them fill out our customer information sheet, a training contract and provide shot records. Part of my company’s responsibility was to input all information in to our system, and take payments, then he was paid every two weeks based on our commission agreement. All seemed well for two months, but in April 2017, I received 5 phone calls over a week’s time from different customers that were from the leads I gave Indiana. All of them were looking for Indiana, had not heard from him for 2 weeks to a month (depending on the person), and said that he had contracted with them to train their dog(s), had paid him money (he took checks made out in his name vs. our company name as he was required to do, yet he used our company name on his payment arrangement worksheets that he created), and they didn’t know why he wasn’t showing up for scheduled appointments or calling them back. I confronted him on several occasions regarding these claims and he stated he didn’t know what I was talking about, that he did not take any money from these customers. Once I told him I had copies of cancelled checks written out in his name that he signed and deposited in to his account, he stopped talking to me completely, as well as most of the customers he had scammed. He did remain in contact with two of the nine customers, but all he did was ask for more money from them. I have had to pay another trainer out of my business pocket to take over some of the training that Indiana had been paid to do to show good faith and give them back some of what was taken from them. Even though he states that he never took any money, he did call one time and offer a large sum of money to "make things right" yet still claims that he didn’t take any of their money. I now have to file a small claims suit against him for my company’s portion of the commission split that he never gave to me. My customers also have to file an individual small claims suit against him. I also had customers that were not leads from my company calling looking for him. They had contracted with him prior to his employment with my company and he did the same thing to them. He will do a couple of sessions as planned, then he stops communication and training all together. Be warned that this person is definitely aware of what he is doing and has his system down. He talks the talk, but will ask for half of the contract amount up front, then leave the customer behind without a thought. He needs to be stopped! He took payments either by check or cash.



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