Green Herbal Venture

Check Green Herbal Venture reviews to see if it is legit.

Valerie – Sep 08, 2020

I have personally been to CONSUMMO treatment centre after reading your negative review. I am a caregiver, for my only daughter and any negative review about his treatment is not true. Anyone who has looked after a loved one with schizophrenia will know how hard it is physically and mentally. If you doubt, I will do a skype call and show the proof. My daughter lives normal and healthy life with his treatment. It is a real treatment for schizophrenia, I would say even if you cannot accept that this is curable, at least you should accept that this approach is a positive experience. Its natural approach, totally harmless, well-intentioned and gives people the strength to deal with this disease. While everyone’s journey is unique, numerous patients with paranoid schizophrenia I met there are effectively treated with his mode of treatment. Is there anyone here who has visited him too?

Priscilla –

Victim Location 33308

Type of a scam Healthcare/Medicaid/Medicare

I reached out in my desperate search for a cure to Schizophrenia and this is the final email I’ve got from this herbalist which I cant find formally anywhere online…nor his biz name. Please advice


Hi *** I appreciate your detailed and substantial information. I believe you’ve read thoroughly my blog to know how CONSUMMO works to permanently put an end to bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and schizoaffective, it is not an overstatement, it is real. I have hundreds of clients I am working on to meet order placed daily…. Your decision is going to fill a large part of your life. I can definitely say there would be no regrets. I will explain in detail in order for you to make decision on whether to move forward or not as I am always busy here in the laboratory ensuing standard in making CONSUMMO. I’ve worked all my life on the subject of awareness, whether it’s awareness of the body, awareness of the mind, awareness of your relationships, or awareness of your environment.

Generally, most patients suffering from schizophrenia are often portrayed as being unpredictably aggressive, having an extensive network of paranoid thoughts (including suicidal thoughts) or ideas and sometimes very impulsive. The symptoms may further lead to physical and emotional detachment, social withdrawal, depression, delusion, anger, anxiety, lack of concentration, disorganized speech, a stressful or emotional life, and some will be fearful and seek to avoid others. Sleep disturbance is also major problem for people with schizophrenia. All the symptoms result from an imbalance of dopamine and possibly serotonin, both of which are neurotransmitters, also increased stigmatization and poorer treatment outcomes.

Multiple factors, including insufficient social support, substance abuse(smoking and excessive drinking), and symptom exacerbation, can also precipitate above behavior. Most improtantly, failure to treat schizophrenic patients adequately is a major risk factor. The above mentioned symptoms occur during both acute and chronic phases of the illness. I am not saying all these for business purposes, but you must know that most over-the-counter, ayurvedic, homeopathic, technology and almost all prescribed drug treatments merely mask symptoms, or control health problems or in some way alter the way organs or systems functions. They are horrible drugs which block out your ability to think, feel, act, motivate and feel any pleasure. They come with a host of damaging side effects not just to the mind but the body. It destroys all emotions, motivation and slows down your metabolism. Some patients/caregivers have extensive knowledge on this, but failed to find viable natural alternative so they go back to the usual medication doctors prescribe, most patients take these drugs as a last resort. In many people symptoms come back (recur) or persist long-term after using the those medicine, further create severe problem. You can’t fix nutritional deficiencies or detoxify the mind/body with pharmaceutical drugs/anti-psychotic.

How can drugs that are intended to help people instead potentially cause a host of debilitating side effects and sometime prompted them to end their lives? It’s a medical quandary that has doctors, drug-makers, federal health officials and patients confused and understandably concerned, none of the clinical trials for the drugs were set up to address the question. And unfortunately, patients in America and advanced countries are more cranked up on this pharmaceutical drugs. It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions, but hard to get one single remedy, the next major advance in the health of the American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself. If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny. The brain is a complex organ, and needed natural and effective treatment to fix it. If only we know and understand the central role that plant medicine played that we all have an internal pharmacy and mother nature is here to cure us. CONSUMMO open up the path to a true and successful/lasting recovery and enable you to be able to eventually put all of your distressing experiences behind you

CONSUMMO is all "natural" What ‘natural’ has come to mean to us in this context is ‘pure’ ‘safe’ and ‘benign’. The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind. CONSUMMO is not just an experimental medicine, I have used this medicine on many patients (bipolar, schizophrenia, schizoaffective) who now lives better and fulfilled life, It is a one-time cure.CONSUMMO is always subjected to comprehensive & practical approach of testing equipped with high-performance to ensure its quality free of pesticides, contaminants, heavy metals and solvents and by doing, we ensure efficacy, purity and proper dissolution. CONSUMMO has been in existence since 1981 without any name. It was named Consummo in 1992, coined from a Latin word. CONSUMMO for 16 months, based on your son’s health information will cost 2500USD only, It is non-negotiable, It might look a bit pricey, it is due to the cost of production. It is a one-time cure.

Over the years, we have had a complaint free track records. I am not doing this to make fortune because I believe it does not matter how much funds you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.

Words can be twisted into any shape. Promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul but as the Lord liveth, if you follow all CONSUMMO instruction to the lethal as indicated on the leaflet, you will live to tell the testimony in a month time as there will be noticeable improvement, if otherwise, I will provide you with an unconditional, full, 100% refund as stated on my blog. Procedure on how to gradually switch to CONSUMMO without any symptoms relapses come along. It has never failed. CONSUMMO is processed within a period of 8-9 days based on your son’s information. It should be used only on the patient in question, can’t be shared with another patients. It is not only the medication but I will support your son continued healing with excellent nutrition protocol and other good self-care activities like moderate exercise, stress management and establishing good sleep routines.

Finally, we are not all equal, even though you are not interested or can’t afford the cost, I will suggest other herbs you can easily acquire over there in your state that will suppress the symptom though not a cure as CONSUMMO but it’s also natural treatment. Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease not psychotropic medications.

Whatever course you decide, I am always here. For more info about myself, visit


Dr. Justin



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