
Chihuahua, White / Cream, Brown / Chocolate, Senior, Female
Swifty Breed Chihuahua
Color White / Cream, Brown / Chocolate
Age Senior
Gender Female
Size Small
Coat Length
Adoption Fee

About Me

Vaccinations up to date
Good in a home with

Contact Me

1448 Pine St, Ramona, CA 92065
(715) 574-6320
sunday: by appointment only
monday: by appointment only
tuesday: by appointment only
wednesday: by appointment only
thursday: by appointment only
friday: by appointment only
saturday: by appointment only

My Story

Meet Swifty!
Swifty came to us from Chesterfield Square Shelter-South LA on May 28. She is 10 years old and weighs 12.5 lbs. Swifty is a super sweet and cuddly girl who will melt your heart when she rests her head on your shoulder. She enjoys going for little walks and says thank you with lots of kisses and tail wags! Doesn’t Swifty have the cutest smile?
Swifty is a spunky social butterfly, and her personality was on full display during a fun outing with volunteers and two other Frosted Faces. First up was a coffee shop, where Swifty sat perfectly at the counter and devoured a pup cup. She promptly let the barista know that she would like several more, please!
Swifty enjoyed the next stop, too: a local park where she walked and explored. As you can see in the video, she has pep in her step! When the group took a break in the shade, Swifty showed her cuddle bug side and took turns climbing into all three volunteers’ laps. After all of the excitement of their afternoon adventure, Swifty settled in one lap and took a nap.
Swifty did great with the other two Frosted Faces on the outing, just as she does on-site in our littles play yard. Be sure to watch the videos of Swifty enjoying her special outing!
Swifty recently had spay and hernia repair surgery, and thankfully, she was able to recover in the comforts of a home while on a Frosted Fling! Her Fling Family took wonderful care of her, and her incision is healed.
Swifty’s Fling Mom reports:
“Swifty has been with me for 3 weeks and has been a joy to have. I mean, just look at her face and her beautiful big smile! How can you not smile when you see her?
Here is what I learned about her:
* She is very social and loves everyone.
* She’s not a lap dog but likes to be close. She will ask for uppies and if you just bend down to scratch her she will wiggle and wag her tail.
* She sleeps next to me at night.
* She’s not big on leash walking, but will walk with me around the backyard and alongside the house.
* She will play a bit, play bow and run around, so she does get exercise.
* She loves food and treats! She doesn’t really drink water from a bowl, so I add water to her food to keep her hydrated. I have been giving her dental chews and she likes to downward dog while she is chewing them. It’s adorable!
* She likes to power up in the sun (sunbathe) but knows to move to the shade when it gets too warm.
* She doesn’t seem to hear anything. It doesn’t limit her and is probably the reason she doesn’t bark at all or make any noise.
* She rides much better in the car now. She wears a harness and has a seatbelt leash.
* I would say that she’s 98% potty trained. I’ve missed her signals a couple of times. Sometimes when she’s walking around the house I think she smells something or is looking for something, but she actually needs to go out. Other times she will go to the door and scratch at it, so I know for sure.
* When she met a young girl, she allowed her to pet her and touch her face. She has met adults, too, and has been friendly to all. She does not react to dogs or people passing by when we walk.
What else can I say? Swifty is easy-going and easy to love. Let’s get this girl a home!”
Swifty is back on-site and ready for her forever home! Despite all she has been through since landing in an over-crowded shelter, she is a happy, loving girl who would be a wonderful addition to so many families. How about yours?